Monday, July 30, 2007

Cycleccinos bike jersey

Jerseys made by Cueldee for the eventual Paluma Push team winners : Cycleccinos.

Ryan Rowing

Sublimated, long sleeve polo especially for rowing.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Darwin Bluewater Charters

Sublimated training shirt

This sublimated round-neck fitted t-shirt has become popular for a rugby union training (and competition). The close fit means less to grab in tackles so is less likely to tear, and more likely to slip through the tackle.

AIMS Team bike jersey for Paluma Push

The Paluma Push bike race was held on the Paluma range between Paluma and Hidden Valley in North Queensland on the 22nd of July 2007, where AIMS was fielding a team. In tragic circumstances, Vicki Porter was seriously injured and out of the race. The team's effort was redirected to ride for Vicki, and Cueldee dedicated this into the team jerseys.